Taken from my email... for those trying so hard to get money.

After a week of cleaning and tidying my house (sector by sector), I finally came up with 3 huge bags and a few boxes of recyclable garbage.
2 of the bags contained papers and another one filled with unwanted plastic containers. The purpose I separated them up is because I want to recycle them (obviously). It's our duty to protect the Earth.
To give the rubbish away to the truck that come to collect recyclable items for a couple bucks, I rather give it away to a workaholic old Indian man who often collects recyclable rubbish in our neighborhood to "make ends meet" with his "quite run down" bicycle.
The problem is, I did not know where he stays. So, I walked up to a security guard at the guard house near my house, give him my address and told him to ask the Indian man to my house to collect some recyclable rubbish (I wish it's appropriate to use the word "some" here)
To make the long story short, finally, he came to my house with his bicycle. He actually helped me to bring out all those rubbish out of my house and I'm grateful for that.
Since it is too much for him to carry them all by bicycle, I offered to help him to carry all those huge bags and boxes to his house by my car. (It's drizzling at that time)
He agreed and we moved the "rubbish" into my car. He showed me the way to his house and to my surprise ...
He stays in a double storey terrace house (corner lot), fully renovated, with an auto gate, a farm and surrounded by high walls.
Frankly, this is not the first or the first few times I see this kind of real life example. I have seen a lot of multimillionaires who only wear torn singlet, short pants and old slippers (almost
all of the time) but I was still inspired.
The point I want to bring out here is, there's no reason to be poor. Opportunities are everywhere. Money are everywhere if we really opens our eyes and see it.
When there's a will, there's a way.
This old man has a strong unshakable willpower. And that's what I really like about him. He begins his work early in the morning until late in the afternoon. A hot sunny day and rainy day don't seem to be able to stop him.
When I chatted with him in my car, I can sense the positive mindset within him. He didn't talk about the increase of the cost of living such as food and gas. Instead, we talk about real estate in our neighborhood. I really enjoy the time I spent with him. He's simply fantastic!
I hope this story will give you a new perspective.
Raymond Chua
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