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Sunday, January 18, 2009

HalfDate Recycle Drive Jan 2009

Allah’s Messenger (peace and prayers be upon him) said: “Removing a litter from the road is charity.” - Sahih Al Jamea
DateDrive of Muharram 1430/Jan 2009
Type of DateDrive: Non-monetary

What: Benefiting Muslims organizations by recycling unwanted your mobile phone, ink cartridge, etc. while saving the environment from toxic waste!

DateDrive Goals: Have 20 masjids/schools as collecting points

Collection Points:
So far, the following fine organizations are participating in the collection, may Allah reward them. (See comment section for their address and contact, if you don’t find the address, post your question as a comment)

1. Bait Salaam, Atlanta, GA
2. Maidah, Atlanta Food Consortium, GA
3. Ella Johnnaber, Pine Lake, GA
4. AlMaun Fund, NJ
5. Muslim Community Bloomington, IN
6. AlMadinah school, Los Angeles, CA
7. North Hollywood Islamic center, CA
8. Girl Scout, Raleigh, NC
9. Millennium Pharmacy, Brooklyn, NY
10. Life Maker at Foundation for Islamic Education, PA
11. Life Maker at Devon Mosque, PA
12. The Bridge @ Baabun Nasr, PA (address in the comment section)
13. George Mason University MSA working with the Mustafa Center, VA
14. AlHuda Masjid, Worcester, MA
15. ME Masjid (details coming soon)
16. Youth Muslim Fortress @ Masjid Ar-Rahman, Bloomington, MN
17. BuildingBlocks @ Masjid Dar Al-Farooq, Bloomington, MN
18. BuildingBlocks @ Islamic University, Robbinsdale, MN
19. Masjid As Sabr, Portland, OR
20. Masjid Bilal, Portland, OR
21. Masjid Beaverton, OR
22. Halal Market in Tigard, Portland, OR

What’s in it for you: Rewards from Allah, in-sha-Allah for benefiting women shelter and needy Muslims with recycling income. Also, you are protecting the environment and cleaning your house :)

Also, HalfDate is giving away Amazon gift certificates.
$57 if you can collect the most number of items (according to Baitul Salaam evaluation)
$57 if you can get the most number of people in your community to participate (how can we tell? Ask them to post a comment with the masjid/school name)
$57 if you can get your local media/newspaper to cover your recycling collection with HalfDate

Deadline: Jan, 31, 2009

Action Required:

* If you are outside the US, simply send the link of this drive to your friends

To give an equal opportunity for HalfDaters outside the US to participate, we will accept their donations to cover part of the costs of the drive. Notice your donation will help promoting HalfDate in various communities, so we can do more in the future, in-sha-Allah.

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